Image Name ΔSupply Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Mug of Eggnog
-0.01% 20 19 -2 -10.5% 1,808,075 36,819 23,638 10,924 17,345 0
-0.12% 29 13 12 89.6% 1,778,659 101,264 25,172 15,120 10,493 7,809
Bolt of Silk
-1.76% 77 67 -2 -2.31% 1,773,416 216,739 165,425 164,884 142,104 100,210
Mithril Ingot
-0.39% 120 105 -3 -2.86% 1,754,566 573,913 374,475 345,986 222,364 257,729
Thin Leather Section
-0.23% 25 18 3 18.1% 1,679,735 720,424 58,569 81,377 82,626 271,485
Piece of Unidentified Gear
-0.15% 231 230 -34 -14.6% 1,668,778 1,257,286 400,652 341,073 1,875,726 2,155,268
Ley-Infused Sand
-3.42% 26 17 5 30% 1,653,644 2,638,334 78,213 16,156 31,960 19,305
Bay Leaf
-0.41% 6 5 0 2% 1,650,871 89,588 12,537 8,218 5,666 5,587
Tiny Venom Sac
-0.10% 9 4 4 91.2% 1,483,162 23,479 18,854 26,856 2,053 276
Unidentified Dye
-0.07% 388 320 10 3.06% 1,418,054 181,181 16,978 13,068 18,774 12,362
Seasoned Wood Log
-0.37% 73 59 3 5.17% 1,375,481 200,504 87,122 80,670 79,680 54,812
Fried Golden Dumpling
-0.23% 28 10 14 138% 1,189,269 317,243 5,572 2,027 2,503 122,138
Ancient Wood Log
-0.16% 146 121 3 2.56% 1,133,135 162,106 88,469 78,449 77,119 113,883
-0.00% 97 87 -5 -5.23% 1,128,601 367,697 5,514 8,976 10,407 2,378
Tiny Scale
-0.31% 5 4 0 6.25% 1,125,429 12,697 15,574 35,417 3,378 6,567
Cured Thin Leather Square
-0.20% 60 42 9 21.4% 1,107,897 29,690 30,273 45,491 16,987 20,692
Sweet Bean Bun
-0.04% 11 6 3 55.8% 1,094,820 44,513 2,275 1,171 7,258 0
Pile of Coarse Sand
-0.93% 233 213 -15 -7.02% 1,063,976 285,665 55,295 36,844 57,396 83,534
Cup of Light-Roasted Coffee
-2.02% 87 86 -12 -14.0% 1,059,814 18,321 52,241 16,185 1,426 2,958
Cured Thick Leather Square
-0.16% 107 89 2 2.19% 1,056,927 199,697 116,008 165,550 71,793 100,105
Lucky Prismatic Rocket
-0.07% 6 3 2 70% 992,447 1,103,235 7,133 1,742 4,529 8,961
Koi Cake
-0.51% 172 132 14 10.8% 963,125 51,400 5,248 2,924 4,345 4,622
Spring Roll
-0.01% 9 6 2 27.5% 840,589 32,635 1,899 451 2,538 0
Steamed Red Dumpling
-0.13% 13 7 4 57.9% 811,960 53,355 3,336 5,365 3,687 558
Shard of Glory
-0.67% 434 330 39 11.8% 776,061 803,103 131,706 99,359 87,384 98,191

25 Items | 2412 | 1993 | 57 | 2.87%