Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Hardened Sharpening Stone
268 177 51 28.7% 17,081 9,904 24,951 12,913 6,521 5,520
Green Wood Dowel
28 11 13 116% 390,827 14,651 6,081 5,607 6,508 3,188
Heavy Ritual Bag
298 279 -26 -9.21% 19,154 43,378 276 359 6,494 1,743
Spool of Jute Thread
12 3 7 240% 312,150 51,224 16,148 7,205 6,460 1,394
Heavy Thorned Bag
255 204 13 6.25% 93,334 55,957 224 1,976 6,398 10,518
Piece of Crustacean Meat
1187 703 306 43.5% 7,068 28,952 3,607 9,654 6,370 10,649
Charged Lodestone
6630 6372 -737 -11.6% 16,059 12,412 5,896 6,574 6,238 4,996
102 85 2 2% 101,294 86,941 38,792 4,285 6,046 9,537
Black Diamond
1874 1465 128 8.73% 11,913 7,113 3,107 2,707 5,973 5,792
Parsley Leaf
169 165 -21 -12.9% 87,478 53,637 5,096 3,363 5,967 7,335
Packet of Salt
12 7 3 45.7% 59,366 123,324 6,757 5,537 5,824 4,140
Tarragon Leaves
108 92 0 -0.22% 495,415 191,048 10,811 8,014 5,804 6,822
Snow Truffle
28 21 3 13.3% 282,246 61,195 8,964 5,785 5,788 7,376
Flawless Fish Fillet
2172 2013 -167 -8.29% 10,169 26,910 5,008 2,043 5,758 4,293
Flame Ram Blueprints
183 152 4 2.34% 103,659 405,560 4,916 9,206 5,755 4,354
Pile of Putrid Essence
116 75 24 31.5% 354,806 24,957 2,630 2,573 5,659 3,603
Evergreen Lodestone
251 237 -24 -9.98% 172,517 16,109 3,673 6,615 5,068 3,643
Crystal Lodestone
2431 2161 -95 -4.38% 46,272 41,244 6,096 2,555 4,871 5,019
Heavy Icy Bag
386 306 22 7.22% 16,905 37,511 1,755 272 4,812 7,136
Choya Spine
3 2 1 27.5% 129,829 56,652 1,597 1,137 4,760 1,982
Glazed Pear Tart
759 482 163 33.8% 8,594 61,396 3,895 1,031 4,590 6,771
Glacial Lodestone
3343 3144 -302 -9.62% 13,797 23,531 5,896 4,596 4,578 3,070
Koi Cake
171 127 18 14.4% 968,304 49,540 4,239 1,723 4,399 4,685
Bag of Sugar
11 7 2 33.6% 72,195 43,700 4,460 1,213 4,394 3,500
Copper Doubloon
624 524 6 1.22% 29,476 11,698 876 429 4,356 2,160

25 Items | 21421 | 18814 | -606 | -3.22%