Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Tiny Bag of Trinkets
471 166 234 141% 891 16,703 93 16 77 0
Tiny Bag of Supplies
266 174 52 29.9% 1,651 33,451 70 16 95 500
9819 7621 725 9.52% 724 326 136 115 397 418
Thin Mask Strap
395 83 253 304% 2,931 6,095 89 47 4 0
Thin Leather Strap
31 24 2 9.79% 24,341 14,320 34 147 580 245
Thick Mask Strap
49 35 7 19% 10,552 2,740 585 16 55 1
Thick Leather Strap
670 172 398 231% 2,191 5,121 180 46 177 0
Thesis on Malice
13024 3230 7840 242% 38 716 6 3 0 2
Thesis on Calculated Strength
19907 10041 6880 68.5% 252 373 14 20 10 18
Tengu Echo Blade
15500 12703 472 3.72% 938 481 39 12 58 49
Tempest Greatsword Skin
410075 300089 48475 16.2% 69 86 6 1 12 8
Teal Dye
134 65 49 75.2% 1,262 923 14 15 0 0
Taupe Dye
69 47 12 24.8% 1,224 2,228 7 15 41 1
Superior Sigil of Venom
470 272 128 46.9% 21,004 7,053 81 70 124 1
Superior Sigil of Undead Slaying
445 271 107 39.6% 17,086 2,824 15 11 15 0
Superior Sigil of Restoration
921 637 146 22.9% 2,185 3,229 208 102 170 174
Superior Sigil of Purity
798 598 80 13.4% 3,660 1,659 200 745 681 144
Superior Sigil of Ogre Slaying
518 271 169 62.5% 26,766 18,593 65 237 281 0
Superior Sigil of Mad Scientists
498 324 99 30.6% 3,137 6,113 106 41 64 103
Superior Sigil of Icebrood Slaying
34891 12768 16889 132% 141 1,030 178 110 478 479
Superior Sigil of Grawl Slaying
436 268 103 38.3% 34,895 18,166 41 51 64 0
Superior Sigil of Ghost Slaying
537 278 178 64.2% 18,397 14,063 38 16 41 0
Superior Sigil of Elemental Slaying
456 319 69 21.5% 2,706 8,187 50 12 62 0
Superior Sigil of Dreams
481 261 148 56.6% 43,893 6,454 22 31 57 500
Superior Sigil of Debility
967 698 124 17.8% 2,900 3,228 127 368 268 178

25 Items | 511828 | 351415 | 83639 | 23.8%