Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Strong Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying
245 141 67 47.7% 13,142 29,699 4,280 1,353 2,370 3,662
Strong Pistol
105 15 74 495% 588 2,125 4 1 7 0
Strong Outlaw Shoulders
584 89 407 457% 427 845 1 0 1 1
Strong Outlaw Gloves
353 75 225 300% 472 608 2 0 43 55
Strong Magician Mask
986 46 792 2k% 401 415 6 5 3 0
Strong Magician Coat of the Flame Legion
963 236 583 246% 911 2,798 5 3 249 328
Strong Leather Shoulders
490 72 345 478% 465 1,476 2 2 2 0
Strong Leather Gloves
492 120 298 248% 331 1,356 1 2 2 0
Strong Iron Sword of Ice
5900 2000 3015 150% 304 297 8 7 4 8
Strong Iron Spear of Grawl Slaying
1341 311 829 266% 318 145 5 1 0 0
Strong Iron Shield of Bloodlust
284 95 146 154% 224 502 46 1 0 0
Strong Iron Rifle of Serpent Slaying
198 99 69 70% 541 2,024 140 9 7 0
Strong Iron Rifle of Hobbling
1207 420 606 144% 723 580 6 1 0 0
Strong Iron Plated Inscription
1335 586 549 93.6% 1,937 5,190 155 232 385 300
Strong Iron Pistol of Ice
400 106 234 220% 226 387 1 3 0 0
Strong Iron Pistol of Force
197 70 97 139% 681 932 61 7 0 0
Strong Iron Mace of Force
1701 79 1367 2k% 40 19 1 2 2 0
Strong Iron Greatsword
484 84 327 389% 440 840 1 3 0 0
Strong Iron Greatsword
359 71 234 329% 186 2,021 1 3 5 0
Strong Iron Dagger of Force
849 99 623 628% 735 201 4 3 1 0
Strong Iron Dagger of Debility
407 85 261 307% 565 78 3 4 6 0
Strong Iron Dagger of Corruption
274 74 159 214% 528 1,188 117 7 0 0
Strong Iron Axe of Corruption
967 100 722 721% 720 820 7 3 2 0
Strong Iron Axe of Accuracy
1021 0 868 195 0 4 3 0 10
Strong Iron Axe
202 39 133 340% 570 783 4 0 3 0

25 Items | 21344 | 5112 | 13030 | 254%