Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Dire Orrian Rifle of Air
2210 2010 -132 -6.54% 693 975 0 5 37 35
Dire Krytan Dagger of Agony
125 107 -1 -0.70% 197 111 1 1 0 0
Azurite Mithril Earring
1388 611 569 93.1% 264 659 0 5 0 0
Cleric's Iron Greatsword of Force
3381 1381 1493 108% 133 586 0 1 43 43
Pile of Fused Metal Scrap
1514 917 370 40.3% 214 2,513 0 8 18 20
Berserker's Banded Coat of the Eagle
3014 2214 348 15.7% 103 250 1 2 17 21
Vital Iron Mace
119 19 82 432% 174 250 0 3 0 0
Cleric's Conjurer Shoes of the Pack
2599 2002 207 10.3% 588 1,583 5 17 135 157
Cleric's Sneakthief Shoulderguards of Lyssa
7574 2474 3964 160% 126 126 0 1 0 0
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Vision
11000 8833 517 5.85% 199 146 1 2 1 0
Recipe: Pahua's Musket
223 24 166 689% 935 2,835 4 6 1 0
Spindrift Rifle
4059 3237 213 6.58% 414 216 7 11 6 44
Rampager's Banded Coat of Lyssa
2475 2218 -114 -5.15% 486 408 7 16 104 118
Charr War Mask Box
3400 3014 -124 -4.11% 191 3,460 11 25 56 157
Major Sigil of Perception
275 176 58 32.8% 969 3,064 87 44 12 5
Cavalier's Verdant Shield
3838 2539 723 28.5% 763 802 0 5 5 0
Moogooloo Speargun
162 62 76 122% 121 239 0 3 0 0
Adorned Pearl
209 111 67 60.0% 497 4,505 0 11 5 0
Dire Banded Legs of Balthazar
2528 2328 -179 -7.70% 510 1,605 3 21 141 115
Silver Setting
159 62 73 117% 5,843 9,474 216 43 27 0
Assassin's Feathered Boots
1750 256 1232 481% 610 507 0 4 1 0
Rampager's Feathered Mantle
1757 364 1129 310% 384 1,274 1 4 0 0
Berserker's Steam Speargun of Life
3075 1675 939 56.0% 68 117 0 1 15 15
Berserker's Rogue Pauldrons of Infiltration
5070 670 3640 543% 121 1,404 1 1 1 0
Rampager's Conjurer Pants of Mercy
2500 2032 93 4.58% 571 1,905 21 16 81 137

25 Items | 64404 | 39336 | 15407 | 39.2%