Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Zodiac Sword Skin
301047 261047 -5157 -1.98% 62 563 1 2 1 0
Zhed's Mask
5782 3786 1129 29.8% 1,888 1,167 101 271 145 133
Zhed's Coat
4837 3745 366 9.79% 1,023 391 72 112 165 232
Zhed's Boots
5072 2801 1510 53.9% 925 864 80 101 133 296
Yakkington's Pauldrons
5926 5526 -489 -8.85% 591 1,083 80 158 229 369
Xunlai Nephrite Crusher
5999 3652 1447 39.6% 214 262 30 31 28 27
Xunlai Deep-Mining Hand Drill
4997 4100 147 3.60% 196 205 29 29 24 11
Writ of Masterful Strength
15243 12967 -10 -0.08% 1,909 3,389 604 1,117 866 1,134
Wool Footwear Sole
50 20 23 112% 3,369 407 28 6 0 28
Wintersday Shield Skin
300000 181465 73535 40.5% 51 48 0 3 0 3
Wintersday Gift
476 475 -70 -14.8% 2,397,326 533,251 124,073 103,898 58,066 39,229
Winter's Cutter Axe Skin
173500 136004 11471 8.43% 60 91 1 2 2 0
Weak Potion of Ice Brood Slaying
53 5 40 801% 23,635 1,740 0 7 1 0
Weak Potion of Halloween Slaying
75 0 64 51,107 0 29 23 1 50
Weak Potion of Elemental Slaying
45 5 33 665% 11,418 6,263 0 5 17 0
Weak Potion of Dredge Slaying
18 0 15 15,747 0 82 239 35 2
Weak Potion of Destroyer Slaying
15 5 8 155% 13,521 401 0 3 0 0
Weak Potion of Demon Slaying
16 0 14 27,062 0 1,280 941 69 10
Volcanic Earth Elemental Core
13 0 11 65,540 0 303 173 238 40
Vital Worn Chain Gauntlets
95 15 66 438% 196 562 0 2 3 0
Vital Soft Wood Longbow
100 21 64 304% 97 187 2 3 0 0
Vital Jute Insignia
53 17 28 165% 2,685 2,227 48 162 38 254
Vital Green Inscription
45 5 33 665% 29,070 2,774 45 341 4 0
Vital Embroidered Wristguards
946 319 485 152% 241 135 1 3 0 0
Vital Embroidered Sandals
1266 380 696 183% 761 892 2 3 0 0

25 Items | 825669 | 616360 | 85459 | 13.9%