Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Hardened Sharpening Stone
276 152 83 54.3% 16,767 8,121 14,984 20,517 11,873 9,565
Piece of Candy Corn
81 79 -10 -12.8% 3,578,834 8,214,907 660,630 449,644 579,505 714,535
Sharpening Skull
400 376 -36 -9.57% 134,371 22,868 4,821 11,943 5,903 3,297
Stuffed Zucchini
164 163 -24 -14.5% 89,194 20,308 24,161 27,176 10,274 12,588
Gossamer Scrap
78 77 -11 -13.9% 15,392,280 1,893,046 60,887 78,176 84,560 35,849
Powdered Rose Quartz
109 97 -4 -4.48% 727,239 110,069 104,406 101,222 66,750 65,557
Lamplighter's Badge
4498 3479 344 9.90% 10,203 17,235 3,095 4,306 3,974 6,318
Valkyrie Corrupted Shard
143214 15016 106716 710% 29 125 2 17 18 0
Saffron Stuffed Mushroom
225 170 21 12.5% 21,778 10,241 6,022 7,320 750 1,125
Flask of Pumpkin Oil
522 360 84 23.2% 164,738 18,923 3,584 8,941 6,419 8,604
Thesis on Masterful Malice
109999 96423 -2924 -3.03% 179 1,475 51 102 171 116
Eternal Forged Hammer Skin
249596 210007 2150 1.02% 135 110 6 24 25 37
Diviner's Draconic Pauldrons
100000 8007 76993 961% 194 24 4 34 0 0
Handful of Red Lentils
82 77 -7 -9.48% 88,989 623,314 51,054 39,479 41,587 43,543
Kaiser Snake Dagger Skin
1699999 1120370 324629 29.0% 46 23 2 10 7 3
Thick Mask Strap
38 35 -3 -7.71% 11,039 2,787 322 1,263 1,111 0
21 20 -2 -10.8% 540,244 303,410 10,001 16,157 13,207 17,780
Recipe: Keeper's Zealot's Insignia
36335 36334 -5449 -15.0% 236 820 7 5 1 0
Copper Ore
34 31 -2 -6.77% 2,782,543 2,385,852 88,551 112,356 143,127 238,342
Anchor of the Lion's Champion
4000000 3050000 350000 11.5% 8 25 1 1 2 2
Strong Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying
199 148 21 14.3% 15,573 27,611 1,565 3,337 2,489 945
Bag of Coffee Beans
8 6 1 13.3% 612,992 2,170,989 48,337 51,137 29,389 25,901
Chocolate Raspberry Cream
360 162 144 88.9% 4,589 36,894 54 1,775 774 931
Celestial Infusion (Blue)
2499999 1290305 834694 64.7% 15 301 3 4 6 4
Quetzal Harpoon
3500 401 2574 641% 209 2,794 9 100 1 6

25 Items | 8849737 | 5832295 | 1689981 | 29.0%