Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Major Sigil of Leeching
230 128 68 52.7% 8,732 1,183 60 26 76 250
Magi's Banded Gauntlets
2467 1373 724 52.7% 279 1,660 75 28 226 204
Super Veggie Pizza
300 167 88 52.7% 36,258 29,386 1,417 188 585 125
Bowl of Candy Corn Custard
88 49 26 52.7% 633,568 3,368,526 5,988 1,848 3,352 3,783
Oiled Orichalcum Sword Hilt
26725 14890 7826 52.6% 252 644 51 21 43 43
Shaman's Pearl Broadsword
14641 8162 4283 52.5% 543 482 29 47 158 5
Carrion Cabalist Gloves of the Citadel
240 134 70 52.2% 249 386 76 2 153 73
Rabid Exalted Gloves
13863 7743 4041 52.2% 286 1,732 21 60 134 35
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of the Traveler
315 176 92 52.1% 436 251 20 21 262 273
Resonating Core
127 71 37 52.0% 46,313 12,482 196 0 750 500
Berserker's Heavy Antique Coat
19243 10758 5599 52.0% 398 205 100 98 428 393
Roasted Rutabaga
218 122 63 51.9% 4,624 47,479 157 1,959 1,228 127
Superior Sigil of Speed
3594 2012 1043 51.8% 2,471 4,209 136 107 347 440
Major Rune of the Afflicted
432 242 125 51.7% 1,573 3,717 225 369 277 210
Mango Pie
545 306 157 51.4% 15,443 28,177 2,829 988 2,155 2,520
Honed Embroidered Cotton Insignia
2698 1515 778 51.4% 3,030 2,751 131 97 608 859
Patina Dye
32 18 9 51.1% 3,361 2,998 35 14 42 41
Minor Rune of the Dolyak
192 108 55 51.1% 2,860 7,487 102 102 659 250
Pouch of Purple Pigment
16 9 5 51.1% 166,202 23,660 4,363 3,838 3,444 12,755
Bolt of Cotton
16 9 5 51.1% 759,940 180,748 25,385 20,114 16,847 4,348
Auric Sliver
32 18 9 51.1% 7,392,961 1,180,606 35,407 54,563 31,823 16,163
Salomon's Cataphract Guard of the Rebirth
7087 3990 2034 51.0% 606 622 28 22 111 155
Lucky Tiger Lantern
19999 11261 5738 51.0% 1,623 191 646 26 37 184
Superior Sigil of Corruption
515 290 148 50.9% 23,929 13,892 147 178 280 333
Viper's Abomination Shield
9876 5562 2833 50.9% 262 55 40 24 31 16

25 Items | 123491 | 69113 | 35854 | 51.9%