Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Major Sigil of Leeching
221 128 60 46.8% 8,779 1,135 60 21 45 250
Shaman's Reclaimed Scepter of Earth
269 156 73 46.6% 2,096 3 177 36 41 24
Destroyer Fragment
988 573 267 46.6% 7,455 39,992 516 1,387 356 1,015
Soldier's Spineguard
3099 1799 835 46.4% 722 1,055 20 17 85 238
Patina Dye
31 18 8 46.4% 3,363 2,987 35 8 37 0
Superior Rune of the Firebrand
18095 10507 4874 46.4% 1,669 1,292 264 354 505 313
Superior Rune of the Holosmith
19099 11093 5141 46.3% 667 1,109 51 77 225 158
Celestial Dye
7999 4648 2151 46.3% 1,456 2,426 44 64 77 64
Cleric's Iron Sword of Fire
4297 2498 1154 46.2% 616 360 21 5 49 54
Viper's Exalted Mantle
99492 57842 26726 46.2% 279 56 57 65 58 39
Celestial Pearl Shell
134988 78603 36137 46.0% 77 64 33 11 93 94
9100 5300 2435 45.9% 733 604 75 65 196 117
Minor Rune of Infiltration
386 225 103 45.8% 5,281 6,156 1,536 52 262 408
Soldier's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
1024 597 273 45.8% 8,957 2,348 586 650 891 976
Bag of Sugar
12 7 3 45.7% 73,343 47,371 5,903 3,137 3,307 7,115
Packet of Salt
12 7 3 45.7% 58,357 126,547 5,952 4,867 9,657 7,894
Jug of Water
12 7 3 45.7% 163,136 551,288 46,485 21,715 17,440 15,208
Soldier's Exalted Masque
12880 7515 3433 45.7% 303 1,086 70 25 36 61
Endless Mordrem Teragriff Tonic
11139 6500 2968 45.7% 654 47,398 28 34 29 11
Spindrift Axe
5222 3051 1388 45.5% 1,619 731 74 89 125 64
Oiled Orichalcum Greatsword Blade
24297 14200 6452 45.4% 290 669 25 45 20 29
Minor Sigil of Agony
289 169 77 45.4% 6,205 14,973 283 642 155 750
Minor Rune of the Pack
342 200 91 45.4% 2,445 7,351 106 521 338 244
5591 3270 1482 45.3% 3,117 811 234 386 257 92
Berserker's Light Antique Coat
20000 11704 5296 45.2% 588 121 76 90 335 294

25 Items | 378884 | 220617 | 101434 | 46.0%