Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Gossamer Patch
3494 2717 253 9.31% 63,819 4,004 4,780 4,552 2,455 2,522
Superior Catapult Blueprints
316 245 24 9.63% 93,710 20,906 5,263 4,545 6,345 3,580
Crystal Core
48 43 -2 -5.12% 4,293,602 289 2,849 4,526 0 0
22 8 11 133% 292,929 377 5,228 4,514 4,498 1,217
Medallion of the Magi
130 0 111 1,418,297 0 2,102 4,509 0 0
Lucky New Year Firework
19 12 4 34.6% 2,404,725 1,288,305 20,470 4,508 18,689 10,011
Tiger's Eye Pebble
308 214 48 22.3% 12,707 13,437 1,307 4,471 3,643 2,531
Chocolate Bar
522 398 46 11.5% 18,130 153,000 2,691 4,398 3,326 4,875
Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew
1916 1860 -231 -12.4% 17,682 8,070 4,600 4,394 372 1,099
Plate of Steak and Asparagus Dinner
794 526 149 28.3% 11,013 4,209 785 4,365 888 592
103 55 33 59.2% 256,854 382,354 11,184 4,359 6,819 5,840
Cotton Patch
7 0 6 322,121 0 2,558 4,354 0 0
Destroyer Lodestone
6308 6152 -790 -12.8% 13,687 13,983 5,046 4,327 4,713 3,489
Medallion of the Shaman
130 0 111 1,525,401 0 1,815 4,298 0 0
Festive Golem Tonic
2 1 1 70% 1,197,018 3 1,601 4,281 255 0
Cinnamon Stick
617 582 -58 -9.89% 10,120 247,368 2,542 4,266 8,312 9,209
Head of Cauliflower
8 7 0 -2.86% 653,123 666 3,083 4,258 0 0
Bag of Provisional Materials
415 395 -42 -10.7% 25,283 31,067 9,735 4,248 9,725 6,251
Pouch of Red Pigment
22 10 9 87% 295,467 4,865 6,031 4,244 2,869 2,800
Symbol of Control
8400 7419 -279 -3.76% 17,204 14,761 6,320 4,190 9,203 5,650
Bowl of "Elon Red"
308 208 54 25.9% 35,793 16,694 13,201 4,185 1,097 2,934
Plate of Beef Rendang
2624 2045 185 9.07% 20,005 3,522 3,180 4,148 1,433 942
Pile of Putrid Essence
85 75 -3 -3.67% 357,097 23,150 3,119 4,140 5,284 4,627
Evergreen Sliver
40 39 -5 -12.8% 90,879 210,185 951 4,081 12,414 718
Magnanimous Tuning Crystal
435 298 72 24.1% 30,262 15,430 5,766 4,067 3,768 4,406

25 Items | 27073 | 23309 | -297 | -1.27%