Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Pile of Paprika
2 1 1 70% 446,882 8,281 1,776 1,787 336 1,996
Mini Professor Mew
11 9 0 3.89% 2,230,571 446,403 6,096 2,960 10,300 1,990
Emerald Shard
70 55 5 8.18% 77,321 6,180 3,465 2,269 12,419 1,988
Large Ritual Bag
293 147 102 69.4% 15,088 17,907 4 59 667 1,987
Choya Spine
5 2 2 112% 130,566 51,207 1,312 1,791 5,059 1,982
Freshwater Pearl
9629 7925 260 3.28% 5,872 5,522 1,137 1,564 1,088 1,977
Miner's Sack
459 291 99 34.1% 19,093 121,683 28 115 1,489 1,972
Superior Sigil of Earth
1998 1483 215 14.5% 11,667 6,014 805 538 1,923 1,967
Corsair Tuning Crystal
130 79 32 39.9% 14,521 2,492 3,660 2,581 1,224 1,966
Onyx Shard
1345 969 174 18.0% 18,229 5,037 1,501 2,359 3,375 1,953
116 99 0 -0.40% 1,111,588 384,610 8,565 6,763 7,488 1,950
Steak with Winterberry Sauce
1008 1001 -144 -14.4% 10,817 3,270 2,059 989 1,222 1,945
Sunstone Nugget
604 509 4 0.86% 31,902 10,148 1,355 2,345 1,873 1,941
Superior Sigil of Agony
1448 1236 -5 -0.42% 4,926 3,003 296 189 2,006 1,941
Worn Rag
77 76 -11 -13.9% 3,775 13,101 14 24 1,237 1,938
Pouch of Yellow Pigment
29 15 10 64.3% 210,126 46,136 3,098 774 1,413 1,925
Bowl of Coleslaw
245 153 55 36.1% 15,562 264,048 550 1,290 1,605 1,921
Common Kryptis Motivation
21995 20014 -1318 -6.59% 5,979 4,974 5,189 2,944 1,745 1,908
Mithril Setting
378 262 59 22.6% 21,726 11,145 2,559 6,681 3,452 1,907
Rabid Orichalcum Imbued Inscription
130 81 30 36.4% 50,344 218 1,888 4,358 2,212 1,886
Assassin's Silk Insignia
393 280 54 19.3% 4,354 14,925 6,438 797 5,615 1,884
Strong Wool Insignia
245 75 133 177% 15,385 6,442 959 731 1,103 1,873
Rejuvenating Seasoned Inscription
1024 775 95 12.3% 4,288 6,329 492 586 890 1,871
Saffron Stuffed Mushroom
396 267 70 26.1% 18,401 11,783 3,709 3,350 1,640 1,870
Amethyst Lump
183 174 -18 -10.6% 4,051 10,778 996 1,000 1,938 1,864

25 Items | 42213 | 35978 | -97 | -0.27%