Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Magi's Field Guide
2729 1803 517 28.7% 435 670 22 15 130 40
Magi's Ring
2799 2132 247 11.6% 258 1,175 26 13 86 127
Magi's Amulet
2406 2107 -62 -2.94% 575 1,130 43 20 57 226
Dissonance Amplifier
5805 4012 922 23.0% 153 141 0 10 8 50
Orrian Artifact Shards
11455 4010 5727 142% 143 179 1 6 8 15
Ring of the Catacombs
9223 2143 5697 265% 137 330 5 3 0 0

6 Items | 34417 | 16207 | 13047 | 80.5%