Image Name ΔSupply Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Vigorous Cotton Insignia
0.58% 393 104 230 221% 5,412 5,894 37 43 45 252
Powerful Potion of Ice Brood Slaying
0.57% 489 195 221 113% 7,237 10,893 35 85 12 500
Lunar New Year Firework
0.57% 3365 1755 1105 63.0% 8,879 25,831 295 161 373 1,027
Superior Trebuchet Blueprints
0.57% 10 3 6 183% 279,329 75,020 1,957 2,590 2,993 2,054
Alpha Siege Golem Blueprints
0.57% 652 570 -16 -2.77% 59,370 21,436 210 796 1,684 838
Minor Sigil of Venom
0.56% 273 120 112 93.4% 6,416 9,650 568 315 187 25
Bowl of Cabbage and Chickpea Salad
0.56% 310 131 133 101% 10,130 52,248 0 77 256 0
Tiny Fang
0.56% 5 4 0 6.25% 1,026,377 31,704 18,137 16,635 313 0
Minor Rune of Dwayna
0.56% 268 76 152 199% 2,716 6,101 4 321 349 343
Opal Shard
0.55% 71 55 5 9.73% 87,893 5,608 2,419 3,576 3,646 3,057
Recipe: Zehtuka's Harrier's Inscription
0.55% 325 35 241 689% 2,922 5,073 22 28 49 0
Coarse Leather Section
0.54% 32 29 -2 -6.21% 2,099,572 127,741 58,092 78,503 80,853 83,670
Berserker's Silk Insignia
0.54% 424 246 114 46.5% 3,527 15,505 60 92 233 751
Bowl of Baker's Dry Ingredients
0.54% 53 25 20 80.2% 42,530 26,727 242 691 588 500
Silk Scrap
0.54% 23 21 -1 -6.90% 18,272,347 4,467,021 471,230 700,922 1,111,318 1,001,859
Stick of Butter
0.54% 373 347 -30 -8.63% 366,340 402,586 14,037 20,743 22,749 29,308
Loaf of Omnomberry Bread
0.53% 597 393 114 29.1% 6,990 16,321 76 206 156 71
Rawhide Leather Section
0.53% 11 9 0 3.89% 8,086,419 2,803,755 37,763 138,131 86,679 159,295
Spinach Burger
0.53% 322 215 59 27.3% 20,634 47,193 6,909 17,099 3,475 2,877
Bolt of Silk
0.53% 69 64 -5 -8.36% 1,825,052 213,452 180,104 204,469 131,117 84,142
Superior Rune of the Fire
0.52% 1434 925 294 31.8% 3,487 6,552 25 49 178 170
Gold Setting
0.51% 201 101 70 69.2% 2,980 13,663 0 881 39 0
Cherry Cookie
0.51% 500 136 289 212% 4,373 16,174 0 23 35 0
Quality Sharpening Stone
0.50% 826 417 285 68.4% 3,801 12,919 69 88 356 167
Crest of the Soldier
0.49% 520 519 -77 -14.8% 32,597 17,284 714 14,480 6,700 9,587

25 Items | 11546 | 6495 | 3319 | 51.1%