Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Resonating Lodestone
301 199 57 28.6% 518,987 18,837 1,645 399 1,025 281
Bolt of Wool
163 118 21 17.4% 512,790 92,874 27,664 33,758 14,048 13,500
Corrupted Core
157 147 -14 -9.22% 507,561 90,294 9,170 5,355 13,772 14,950
21 20 -2 -10.8% 497,899 302,625 18,368 13,764 19,575 18,153
Tarragon Leaves
95 88 -7 -8.24% 497,603 188,976 8,583 7,761 9,142 9,633
Bag of Coffee Beans
17 9 5 60.6% 465,797 2,130,480 51,893 36,429 30,652 41,533
63 42 12 27.5% 450,303 48,682 27,022 31,242 10,559 16,520
Potent Potion of Dredge Slaying
170 147 -3 -1.70% 445,590 21,765 139,004 107,056 9,829 4,717
Iron Ingot
255 166 51 30.6% 431,638 55,524 37,047 43,595 28,726 21,717
Lump of Primordium
57 47 1 3.09% 425,757 104,725 25,621 11,712 5,646 3,191
Glob of Ectoplasm
3521 3366 -373 -11.1% 409,626 336,705 636,292 663,019 128,590 133,864
Lump of Tin
10 3 6 183% 405,149 20,162 17,089 15,144 9,282 17,499
Asparagus Spear
31 23 3 14.6% 403,902 131,174 7,468 7,503 11,785 12,704
Green Wood Dowel
28 12 12 98.3% 386,552 16,532 7,450 5,945 5,705 4,933
Stick of Butter
413 400 -49 -12.2% 358,334 417,820 24,016 22,723 26,851 31,558
Pile of Putrid Essence
114 76 21 27.5% 355,431 19,718 3,570 3,444 4,800 3,412
Jug of Hard Apple Cider
25 11 10 93.2% 353,856 44,443 0 0 0 0
Onyx Core
51 50 -7 -13.3% 344,223 6,498 6,031 3,042 6,516 11,691
Bronze Ingot
73 57 5 8.86% 335,047 117,512 36,527 32,527 19,983 41,464
48 42 -1 -2.86% 333,214 99,801 12,389 13,801 15,516 17,564
Lump of Coal
20 15 2 13.3% 320,018 461,237 18,699 12,035 6,468 5,533
Spool of Jute Thread
11 3 6 211% 313,757 44,055 12,190 4,696 5,782 584
Cured Rugged Leather Square
333 270 13 4.83% 311,448 30,114 35,090 15,707 10,835 9,983
Delicate Snowflake
149 105 22 20.6% 310,105 490,468 455 189 2,655 1,731
Snow Truffle
23 22 -2 -11.1% 298,474 90,516 6,978 6,501 12,438 14,907

25 Items | 6149 | 5438 | -211 | -3.89%