Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Omega Siege Golem Blueprints
1742 1348 133 9.84% 28,660 16,225 2,122 617 1,522 810
Rich Clump of Ore
63 62 -8 -13.6% 42,169 17,282 1,598 767 1,522 3,188
Varietal Peppercorn Seed
1487 1412 -148 -10.5% 35,007 22,279 2,448 2,140 1,522 1,950
Alpha Siege Golem Blueprints
709 546 57 10.4% 59,640 20,583 334 607 1,521 933
Guild Shield Generator Blueprint
158 128 6 4.92% 22,244 15,717 968 661 1,517 309
Flawless Snowflake
1102 1052 -115 -11.0% 62,359 1,527,368 938 177 1,509 1,364
Worn Garment
85 61 11 18.4% 6,244 10,675 50 72 1,485 1,744
Amethyst Lump
95 94 -13 -14.1% 6,903 8,383 674 975 1,485 1,864
Guild Ballista Blueprints
297 177 75 42.6% 32,501 11,198 1,497 1,178 1,482 1,028
Whitefish Sushi
403 308 35 11.2% 33,615 2,500 5,698 4,354 1,474 1,183
Bag of Filched Goods
283 203 38 18.5% 13,734 23,661 361 179 1,473 912
Ballista Blueprints
2 1 1 70% 1,236,273 289 1,799 1,834 1,473 0
Sheet of Fine Paper
498 296 127 43.0% 13,856 3,093 949 766 1,472 1,088
Dragonfish Candy
40 26 8 30.8% 450,140 56,578 1,057 1,299 1,466 14
Bowl of Lemongrass Mussel Pasta
858 600 129 21.6% 2,562 4,652 434 699 1,465 439
Carnelian Lump
56 45 3 5.78% 4,286 13,733 556 688 1,454 269
Bolt of Damask
9900 8893 -478 -5.38% 6,078 5,589 1,851 2,017 1,444 1,306
Mithril Hook
319 251 20 8.03% 20,841 12,363 2,890 1,843 1,442 995
Magi's Intricate Gossamer Insignia
9606 8006 159 1.99% 1,606 4,507 1,068 966 1,439 746
+9 Agony Infusion
49972 42150 326 0.77% 4,853 3,744 1,857 2,225 1,439 922
Loaf of Raspberry Peach Bread
198 135 33 24.7% 12,639 25,350 7 615 1,438 662
Gate of Heaven
11513 9513 273 2.87% 18,362 5,436 3,172 3,000 1,436 2,095
Unstable Kryptis Motivation
97516 78932 3957 5.01% 3,158 4,759 2,124 3,353 1,416 2,097
Jute Patch
86 20 53 265% 45,919 2,573 2,813 1,276 1,412 2,748
Superior Sigil of Accuracy
2795 2124 252 11.9% 16,749 6,885 1,104 1,289 1,401 1,236

25 Items | 189783 | 156383 | 4933 | 3.15%