Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Fetid Mass
300 245 10 4.08% 1,283 2,353 10 4 11 0
Bloodstone Dark Violet
98458 80201 3488 4.35% 424 321 5 12 5 1
Mhenlo's Boots
3556 2895 128 4.41% 444 896 154 62 157 209
Master Blaster
3684 2999 132 4.41% 753 1,472 136 114 105 134
Carnelian Lump
59 48 2 4.48% 4,086 14,458 1,321 1,148 1,814 1,537
Awakened Sword
2722 2214 100 4.50% 1,169 3,563 13 31 246 440
Jalis' Chestguard
6546 5323 241 4.53% 289 813 42 80 219 484
Heavy Icy Bag
384 312 14 4.62% 17,369 37,967 1,507 359 4,996 6,911
Goblet of Kings
899998 729999 34999 4.79% 15 84 3 2 1 1
Handful of Red Lentils
90 73 4 4.79% 111,633 627,600 49,713 38,105 44,830 37,954
Zho's Mask
3704 2994 154 5.16% 723 748 19 57 93 143
Guild Siege Golem Blueprints
3787 3036 183 6.03% 12,803 10,584 876 1,182 1,229 830
Butternut Squash
10 8 1 6.25% 335,649 4,344 6,248 3,832 979 730
Brutus' Helm
3757 3000 193 6.45% 591 781 78 51 120 106
4013 3204 207 6.46% 765 608 64 66 37 51
Sinister Saryx Hammer
2536 2007 149 7.40% 262 842 147 109 385 102
Galrath's Legplates
6729 5325 395 7.41% 441 982 113 97 271 340
Magi's Skyforged Warhorn
2890 2286 171 7.46% 196 577 119 59 271 248
Awakened Dagger
2802 2214 168 7.57% 1,523 1,725 88 31 169 314
Vatlaaw's Mask
6400 5055 385 7.62% 408 854 133 118 299 385
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets of the Eagle
171 135 10 7.67% 1,497 29 48 15 316 224
Tsunami Dye
57262 45121 3552 7.87% 266 226 51 31 43 125
Rose Quartz
815 641 52 8.07% 11,962 11,082 3,579 3,210 7,691 3,802
Gossamer Scrap
92 72 6 8.61% 15,633,920 1,817,962 77,567 1,280,479 83,949 25,086
Bowl of Simple Meat Stew
90 70 7 9.29% 8,507 47,473 67 6 6 250

25 Items | 1110855 | 899477 | 44750 | 4.98%