Image Name ΔSell Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Embellished Brilliant Azurite Jewel
12.4% 1719 669 792 118% 771 1,501 18 89 43 102
Dragon's Revelry Starcake
36.9% 7245 5364 794 14.8% 5,927 35,241 1,112 539 1,375 1,709
Honed Iron Shield of Force
29.0% 1398 391 797 203% 477 258 9 1 0 0
Assassin's Mithril Dagger
56.7% 1410 400 799 199% 892 486 1 4 1 1
Visage of Melandru
10.0% 3300 2003 802 40.0% 108 264 2 0 1 4
Carrion Verdant Spear of Energy
22.5% 3303 2000 808 40.4% 74 295 41 1 118 73
Strong Privateer Shoulders of Strength
19.5% 1516 480 809 168% 276 544 37 3 4 8
Dire Aureate Highlander Greatsword of Air
20.0% 3600 2251 809 35.9% 1,259 1,957 14 34 74 67
Strong Potion of Krait Slaying
225% 1144 159 813 511% 2,604 18,599 80 0 0 0
Exquisite Ruby Jewel
24.9% 5706 4037 813 20.1% 1,195 3,213 537 418 1,096 1,588
Berserker's Apprentice Band
2k% 1000 36 814 2k% 43 35 0 0 0 0
Strong Conjurer Gloves of the Grove
12.8% 1787 689 830 120% 248 58 19 5 0 0
Soft Focus Casing
275% 1093 94 835 888% 158 6,570 91 18 1 0
Honed Soft Wood Focus
648% 1033 38 840 2k% 120 1,016 3 3 3 0
Honed Iron Spear of Restoration
19.0% 1427 371 842 226% 173 62 2 3 0 0
Berserker's Apprentice Band
2k% 1041 41 844 2k% 65 7 1 0 0 0
Graphite Dye
54.0% 1451 389 844 217% 258 8,296 82 20 115 102
Bowl of Poultry and Leek Soup
397% 1288 249 846 339% 4,881 41,693 369 795 513 813
Strong Steel Pistol
13.8% 1711 603 851 141% 363 146 4 4 1 1
Saltspray Greatsword
10.0% 12095 9428 853 9.04% 3,270 668 406 996 256 87
Valkyrie Prowler Boots
33.7% 1189 151 860 569% 392 782 1 0 1 0
Coastal Lumber Core
30.7% 1276 222 863 388% 566 16,809 66 12 0 8
Rampager's Krait Wand
16.5% 4899 3300 864 26.2% 1,401 649 71 60 9 5
Bowl of Fish Stew
15.7% 1958 790 874 110% 2,394 4,730 86 141 2 7
Strong Iron Mace of Debility
19.2% 1392 307 876 285% 330 203 4 2 0 0

25 Items | 64981 | 34462 | 20772 | 60.3%