Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Rampager's Conjurer Chest of Lyssa
2461 1422 670 47.1% 799 1,155 15 20 153 116
Blue Ice Dye
50 5 38 750% 4,595 4,960 52 20 34 0
Strong Ring
4799 1375 2704 196% 933 1,482 21 20 2 32
Carrion Tribal Staff of Accuracy
4974 2535 1693 66.8% 516 333 5 20 79 90
Celestial Draconic Helm
133399 73136 40253 55.0% 131 65 32 20 82 59
Celestial Draconic Pauldrons
132986 81575 31463 38.6% 106 31 39 20 123 120
Super Dagger Skin
131369 85029 26635 31.3% 214 192 14 20 13 26
Berserker's Marauder Mask of Dwayna
2575 2198 -9 -0.42% 497 1,895 14 19 123 17
Berserker's Privateer Boots of the Traveler
379 183 139 76.0% 426 351 7 19 43 23
Amber Dye
2276 1403 532 37.9% 701 437 22 19 4 0
Bronze Dye
56 17 31 180% 6,678 9,392 42 19 30 0
Major Rune of the Ice
688 418 167 39.9% 577 7,212 74 19 28 0
Superior Rune of the Mad King
20996 13102 4745 36.2% 811 1,735 37 19 51 44
Dire Pearl Quarterstaff
11426 3160 6552 207% 480 1,003 5 19 28 29
Assassin's Pearl Crusher
29998 3921 21577 550% 40 264 15 19 31 24
Dire Exalted Boots
18997 8026 8121 101% 292 1,387 48 19 14 19
Essence of Time
211 114 65 57.3% 37,883 14,465 112 19 53 0
Festive Transom
34 5 24 478% 53,482 100,153 159 19 116 0
Jade Bot Core: Tier 4
101405 65233 20961 32.1% 49 85 30 19 20 24
Shaman's Banded Greaves of Mercy
2731 2066 255 12.4% 662 1,618 52 18 338 279
Silk Epaulet Panel
159 23 112 487% 3,538 1,608 205 18 0 0
Amber Copper Stud
404 110 233 212% 627 6,557 8 18 251 12
Cleric's Pearl Broadsword
13000 9695 1355 14.0% 430 622 155 18 159 186
Chalk Dye
1099 341 593 173% 405 1,044 69 18 5 3
Rabid Amulet
2787 1892 477 25.2% 341 1,817 11 18 41 42

25 Items | 619259 | 356984 | 169386 | 47.4%