Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Precise Iron Dagger
75 32 32 99.2% 445 4,352 4 2 0 0
Precise Bronze Rifle
2094 96 1684 2k% 546 241 2 1 1 0
Precise Black Earth Trident
64 27 27 101% 382 1,206 0 3 0 0
Practical Tailor's Tools
100 0 85 4,013 0 127 24 3 0
Powerful Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying
349 172 125 72.5% 11,814 28,141 301 138 700 500
Powerful Potion of Flame Legion Slaying
444 174 203 116% 13,662 29,013 1,502 329 91 0
Pouch of Purple Pigment
19 10 6 61.5% 166,188 76,938 5,031 3,947 2,597 11,755
Potion of Azantil
797 127 550 433% 13,288 16,754 105 0 0 50
Potent Master Maintenance Oil
1779 1351 161 11.9% 45,246 21,241 425 505 269 409
Pot of Poultry and Leek Soup
2440 1100 974 88.5% 459 3,269 69 49 0 0
Pot of Butternut Squash Soup
16391 7738 6194 80.1% 249 239 0 12 0 0
Plate of Sugar Rib Roast
4729 2937 1083 36.9% 3,434 2,033 123 14 220 116
Plate of Pasta with Tomato Sauce
750 143 495 345% 391 12,873 114 43 4 0
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
345 173 120 69.5% 9,902 5,333 607 1,141 467 799
Plastic Spider Tonic
36 2 29 1k% 448,665 237 481 250 257 0
Plasma Mace Skin
249090 120006 91721 76.4% 70 42 3 2 7 8
Plaguedoctor's Exalted Masque
104800 31400 57680 183% 65 47 4 1 2 4
Pile of Putrid Essence
99 76 8 10.7% 343,337 25,902 3,673 3,088 5,283 3,485
Pile of Coarse Sand
232 187 10 5.45% 1,069,301 287,444 58,198 43,890 45,722 67,579
Piece of Ambrite
125 114 -8 -6.80% 197,703 248,253 47,637 31,744 85,532 67,765
Peridot Gold Ring
858 305 424 139% 447 618 7 0 0 0
Peridot Gold Earring
698 0 593 805 0 7 21 19 0
Pepper Steak
496 178 244 136% 7,308 33,099 526 89 98 1,000
Penetrating Krytan Warhammer
154 65 66 101% 229 154 1 0 2 0
Penetrating Krytan Trident of Smoldering
7555 145 6277 4k% 10 90 1 0 1 5

25 Items | 394519 | 166558 | 168783 | 101%