Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Bolt of Embroidered Silk
6238 3350 1952 58.3% 685 1,548 62 38 27 515
Major Sigil of Doom
632 140 397 283% 14,827 4,694 403 134 361 506
Blackberry Pie
394 167 168 100% 12,174 31,891 711 100 43 500
Major Sigil of Ogre Slaying
532 132 320 242% 7,768 2,034 313 124 262 500
Strong Magician Mantle of Hoelbrak
692 97 491 506% 162 48 19 2 441 499
Minor Rune of Rata Sum
219 86 100 116% 3,238 2,621 242 313 563 496
Major Rune of Mercy
474 230 173 75.2% 759 2,118 10 72 69 493
14 4 8 197% 1,741,959 251 3,048 5,416 1,245 461
Plate of Island Pudding
766 267 384 143% 1,389 8,670 378 152 5 451
Fried Oyster Sandwich
5689 3335 1501 45.0% 709 1,846 214 168 286 443
Shaman's Cabalist Shoulders of the Grove
329 188 92 48.8% 514 40 12 23 460 424
Plate of Sugar Rib Roast
6366 3582 1829 51.1% 3,295 2,038 227 39 481 416
Static Assault Knight Power Core
800 399 281 70.4% 5,603 2,353 193 211 274 414
Saltspray Dagger
7065 4165 1840 44.2% 1,620 822 391 208 537 396
Fancy Veggie Pizza
645 199 349 175% 5,952 24,787 119 201 250 390
Major Rune of Divinity
482 260 150 57.6% 2,097 2,639 153 122 314 381
Winged Spatha
4894 2917 1243 42.6% 3,126 710 180 137 131 364
Dire Rogue Pauldrons of Infiltration
2850 2451 -29 -1.16% 644 2,044 25 42 177 354
Ravaging Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of Infiltration
444 136 241 177% 327 460 2 4 273 331
Devona's Chestguard
7969 3114 3660 117% 1,205 902 82 170 131 330
Éibhear Dunn
5635 3298 1492 45.2% 1,057 733 207 171 306 328
Galrath's Pauldrons
6335 5316 69 1.29% 507 1,230 58 91 133 318
Superior Sigil of Ice
823 629 71 11.2% 3,943 3,831 516 153 386 316
Bronze Spear Head
774 300 358 119% 1,894 1,696 44 4 3 312
Chocolate Orange
443 237 140 58.9% 9,196 151,982 251 191 283 293

25 Items | 61504 | 34999 | 17279 | 49.4%