Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
3990 2780 612 22.0% 1,277 1,196 136 51 420 123
Carrion Flame Pistol of Air
2845 1982 436 22.0% 827 1,037 27 6 100 97
Cured Thin Leather Square
56 39 9 22.1% 1,104,638 24,912 29,122 41,430 14,726 17,512
4034 2809 620 22.1% 4,181 948 101 112 250 190
Dragon's Breath Bun
293 204 45 22.1% 289,648 20,250 4,274 6,584 3,521 7,249
Ruby Shard
79 55 12 22.1% 97,316 5,599 1,929 2,112 3,196 1,496
Reclaimed Longbow
6250 4351 962 22.1% 1,554 387 22 248 40 58
Rabid Emblazoned Boots
11500 8001 1774 22.2% 246 288 27 18 21 51
Potent Potion of Demon Slaying
230 160 36 22.2% 39,193 15,446 288 987 436 691
Magi's Conjurer Gloves
2883 2005 446 22.2% 259 1,166 31 30 205 178
Soldier's Draconic Gauntlets
11509 8001 1782 22.3% 357 690 59 36 28 61
Berserker's Light Antique Shoulderpads
20762 14423 3225 22.4% 485 124 65 98 90 91
Giver's Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription
58538 40655 9102 22.4% 307 688 41 25 56 32
Bone Chip
72 50 11 22.4% 162,034 467,355 15,733 18,326 31,324 80,018
Cavalier's Verdant Rifle
2729 1895 425 22.4% 481 926 29 6 107 27
Dragon Bash Prize Coffer
5062 3515 788 22.4% 16,212 9,347 1,742 833 54 186
Damask Coat Panel
98067 68070 15287 22.5% 428 101 29 27 33 40
Berserker's Scallywag Helm of the Centaur
4237 2940 661 22.5% 544 649 26 55 96 154
4190 2905 657 22.6% 1,360 687 91 142 321 202
Magi's Rogue Gloves
2800 1941 439 22.6% 224 1,784 69 37 156 335
Recycler: Karma
57040 39539 8945 22.6% 252 129 48 53 38 58
290 201 46 22.6% 50,242 40,984 11,467 7,918 5,672 4,747
Rampager's Soft Wood Short Bow of Perception
3594 2491 564 22.6% 8,849 1,183 31 44 58 72
Carnelian Lump
65 45 10 22.8% 2,863 12,709 586 725 1,288 573
Halloween Prize Bag
10100 6988 1597 22.9% 3,648 6,512 474 2,510 2,109 3,033

25 Items | 311215 | 216045 | 48488 | 22.4%