Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Soldier's Conjurer Mantle
2663 1957 307 15.7% 244 1,212 29 8 294 208
Iron Legion Key
10988 7829 1511 19.3% 1,457 2,916 176 273 293 368
Reliquary of the Raven Ceremonial Sandals
2824 1931 469 24.3% 1,170 2,831 130 56 291 169
The Castellan's Quality
12000 8045 2155 26.8% 690 508 149 67 290 192
Bowl of Blackberry Pear Compote
200 133 37 27.8% 37,217 21,889 471 1,887 289 74
Carrion Cabalist Legs of the Centaur
335 229 56 24.3% 662 443 28 26 287 229
Superior Sigil of Paralyzation
68978 49103 9528 19.4% 799 1,788 146 202 287 154
Strong Steel Plated Inscription
4194 2248 1317 58.6% 1,877 1,256 185 90 287 190
Mhenlo's Mantle
3571 2462 573 23.3% 443 1,133 103 65 286 217
Nika's Gloves
10230 7747 949 12.2% 647 430 105 103 285 230
69883 47195 12206 25.9% 377 598 39 26 284 575
Carrion Reinforced Scale Boots of Rage
334 195 89 45.6% 2,005 280 22 12 283 271
Cavalier's Conjurer Shoes
2755 1957 385 19.7% 140 1,502 27 7 282 159
Assassin's Krait Star
4348 3210 486 15.1% 1,847 297 153 273 282 135
Shaman's Cabalist Legs of Scavenging
345 219 74 33.9% 603 57 52 17 281 191
Superior Rune of the Revenant
41789 25346 10175 40.1% 780 587 53 78 281 262
Soul Cake
418 200 155 77.7% 6,244 14,336 291 85 281 282
Major Sigil of Corruption
217 133 51 38.7% 2,056 2,055 350 110 281 0
Ravaging Embroidered Cotton Insignia
2499 1748 376 21.5% 5,699 2,139 370 57 281 177
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of the Traveler
335 202 83 41.0% 484 338 161 11 280 152
Rampager's Privateer Pants of the Traveler
328 211 68 32.1% 353 193 222 22 280 240
Devona's Pauldrons
5284 2988 1503 50.3% 1,459 652 97 112 279 150
Minor Rune of the Traveler
397 274 63 23.2% 1,557 4,815 253 38 278 250
Rampager's Iron Greatsword of Accuracy
11102 7854 1583 20.2% 2,264 895 322 141 278 165
Berserker's Shattered Dagger
16999 10782 3667 34.0% 346 306 96 98 277 279

25 Items | 273016 | 184198 | 47866 | 26.0%