Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Assassin's Exalted Pants
72985 46257 15780 34.1% 167 436 22 21 46 69
Marauder Exalted Gloves
69656 40000 19208 48.0% 162 140 23 24 103 69
Magi's Exalted Mantle
11883 7042 3059 43.4% 318 845 61 33 40 69
Reclaimed Axe
7468 3907 2441 62.5% 1,468 733 61 57 35 69
Spindrift Axe
4996 2879 1368 47.5% 1,655 689 85 80 109 69
Oiled Ancient Pistol Frame
23993 12327 8067 65.4% 279 4,326 30 27 58 70
Rabid Pearl Bludgeoner
7087 3500 2524 72.1% 300 652 37 34 41 70
Mithril Reinforcing Plate
300 164 91 55.5% 22,392 8,312 720 372 870 70
Marauder Exalted Pants
57754 40101 8990 22.4% 177 33 30 16 104 71
Abyssal Sea Dye
160119 122397 13704 11.2% 276 644 38 20 30 71
Berserker's Shattered Rifle
5653 2951 1854 62.8% 365 225 51 51 96 71
Recycler: Karma
57570 39754 9181 23.1% 244 154 56 53 73 71
Cleric's Soft Wood Scepter of Stamina
3895 2237 1074 48.0% 321 529 70 2 91 71
Sunset Earring
35797 20919 9508 45.5% 172 42 23 14 56 72
Giver's Candy Cane Greatsword of Concentration
12591 9108 1594 17.5% 4,621 157 59 125 40 72
Shaman's Exalted Masque
16434 9140 4829 52.8% 175 1,006 62 44 21 72
Magi's Pearl Trident
7605 3656 2808 76.8% 192 1,064 64 33 72 72
Superior Sigil of Malice
80000 61140 6860 11.2% 382 697 233 175 118 72
Rampager's Intricate Gossamer Insignia
59961 40208 10759 26.8% 510 117 37 58 63 73
Rabid Draconic Legs
11795 7501 2525 33.7% 257 859 20 48 51 74
Berserker's Draconic Legs
89488 55817 20248 36.3% 221 141 27 22 66 74
Spindrift Hammer
3994 2671 724 27.1% 465 685 21 41 94 75
Haimi's Dusty Crown of the Rebirth
6299 2865 2489 86.9% 515 462 24 14 98 75
Celestial Draconic Helm
129820 80230 30117 37.5% 158 69 26 18 95 75
Deldrimor Steel Chestplate Padding
29067 12430 12277 98.8% 372 382 28 27 44 75

25 Items | 966210 | 629201 | 192078 | 30.5%