Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Turquoise Pebble
96 48 34 70% 6,721 8,023 1,225 1,516 1,206 712
Caledon Lavender
1302 637 470 73.7% 3,218 1,947 33 146 360 705
Empty Keg
14727 10648 1870 17.6% 9,181 2,834 1,163 577 396 698
Superior Sigil of Rage
466 272 124 45.6% 141,341 11,759 167 748 323 696
Major Rune of Hoelbrak
464 295 99 33.7% 3,471 2,169 567 101 68 696
Delicate Snowflake
150 95 33 34.2% 309,334 489,610 237 514 1,761 694
Superior Rune of the Undead
2500 1197 928 77.5% 8,546 2,926 190 259 412 686
Plate of Truffle Steak
998 711 137 19.3% 28,639 6,544 4,413 4,232 518 683
Superior Sigil of Energy
9964 7348 1121 15.3% 8,777 1,918 1,218 1,426 538 680
Major Rune of Lyssa
466 240 156 65.0% 1,709 2,256 21 188 39 663
Valkyrie Krait Slayer
3777 2883 327 11.4% 6,558 652 630 404 321 660
Bowl of Truffle Risotto
2290 1706 241 14.1% 2,500 2,273 907 1,003 973 659
Minor Rune of Infiltration
450 223 160 71.5% 5,844 5,938 1,843 302 247 658
Gibbering Skull
3490 1688 1279 75.7% 15,841 9,172 116 329 806 655
Superior Rune of Lyssa
377 283 37 13.2% 4,253 1,250 166 172 313 645
Oysters with Zesty Sauce
560 382 94 24.6% 1,661 7,482 732 1,458 1,488 643
Powerful Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying
870 404 336 83.0% 12,014 51,491 410 116 500 640
Rabid Draconic Helm
12499 9623 1001 10.4% 1,057 1,611 340 927 701 638
Toxic Maintenance Oil
734 483 141 29.2% 22,628 5,631 1,140 791 173 634
Superior Rune of Hoelbrak
2612 1998 222 11.1% 2,978 2,434 648 769 711 629
7645 3581 2917 81.5% 1,945 640 244 129 587 622
Minor Rune of Holding
755 376 266 70.7% 16,703 5,354 216 140 1,496 618
Minor Sigil of Earth
249 145 67 46.0% 18,839 23,402 3,942 10,657 1,413 606
Superior Rune of Rage
2249 1455 457 31.4% 3,026 2,829 717 390 673 605
Assassin's Linen Insignia
1350 709 439 61.8% 4,111 3,531 239 209 252 599

25 Items | 71040 | 47430 | 12954 | 27.3%