Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Glyph of Volatility (Unused)
8000013 7000000 -199989 -2.86% 11 1,419 2 1 0 1
Glyph of Reaping (Unused)
4849998 3570018 552480 15.5% 9 1,101 0 0 3 0
Glyph of Bounty (Unused)
3949998 3210000 147498 4.59% 13 1,279 3 3 0 1
Glyph of the Unbound (Unused)
3600000 3120000 -60000 -1.92% 14 1,074 1 1 0 1
Glyph of the Herbalist (Unused)
2899999 1454549 1010450 69.5% 20 219 0 0 1 0
Glyph of Industry (Unused)
2599997 2000015 209982 10.5% 35 335 1 4 7 2
Glyph of the Prospector (Unused)
2450000 1150001 932499 81.1% 18 825 0 4 1 1
Glyph of the Scavenger (Unused)
1988999 1650000 40649 2.46% 17 726 2 2 0 0
Glyph of Alchemy (Unused)
1849998 1190004 382494 32.1% 39 1,135 2 0 1 0
Glyph of the Forester (Unused)
1759999 1500000 -4001 -0.27% 31 373 1 2 1 0
Glyph of Virtue (Unused)
1419999 1161025 45974 3.96% 65 317 6 3 1 0
Glyph of the Timekeeper (Unused)
987394 707400 131885 18.6% 34 202 0 4 0 0
Glyph of the Leatherworker (Unused)
979998 800000 32998 4.12% 180 1,361 9 8 8 6
Glyph of Overload (Unused)
925596 700814 85943 12.3% 27 476 1 0 1 0
Glyph of the Watchknight (Unused)
898797 701935 62042 8.84% 141 863 3 4 1 0
Glyph of the Tailor (Unused)
848571 720175 1110 0.15% 43 643 4 6 17 4
Glyph of the Crucible (Unused)
408697 245200 102192 41.7% 23 890 7 2 0 2
Glyph of Flight (Unused)
180012 110002 43008 39.1% 107 1,086 1 4 1 1

18 Items | 4,0598065 | 3,0991138 | 3517217 | 11.3%