Image Name ΔSupply Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Recipe: Ahamid's Metal Breather
7069 528 5481 1k% 2,984 10,620 1 5 0 12
Recipe: Ahamid's Leather Breather
7262 1263 4910 388% 2,989 10,304 0 0 0 12
Recipe: Occam's Leather Breather
4984 738 3498 474% 3,052 11,872 0 0 0 1
Recipe: Occam's Cloth Breather
4492 1065 2753 258% 2,098 8,752 1 0 0 0
Recipe: Morbach's Cloth Breather
3283 435 2356 541% 3,654 10,079 0 0 0 0
Potion of Ascalonian Mages
0.47% 5794 3009 1916 63.7% 4,232 11,762 244 30 263 621
Recipe: Ferratus's Leather Breather
3995 1656 1740 105% 2,138 7,956 0 0 0 1
Minor Potion of Destroyer Slaying
2120 148 1654 1k% 9,008 11,680 0 2 0 258
Halloween Prize Bag
2.24% 10133 6970 1643 23.6% 3,649 6,469 405 2,457 2,193 3,326
Copper Reinforcing Plate
2989 1060 1481 139% 3,357 5,274 0 109 486 415
Sturdy Scribe's Tools
1800 167 1363 816% 2,031 8,879 5 1 5 0
Superior Rune of Antitoxin
0.17% 3209 1413 1315 93.0% 12,033 7,620 87 146 201 302
Strong Potion of Undead Slaying
0.16% 1705 209 1240 593% 8,260 20,896 10 16 0 0
Tray of Tarragon Bread
2473 1031 1071 103% 3,391 10,293 0 0 0 0
Prismatic Rocket
2991 1502 1040 69.3% 2,121 7,877 0 0 2 0
Superior Rune of Snowfall
0.27% 34298 28234 919 3.26% 7,499 16,008 152 66 460 37
Giant Dusty Wintersday Gift
2199 984 885 90.0% 3,401 44,438 0 1 0 16
Carrot Soufflé
0.23% 3478 2108 848 40.2% 3,928 8,224 126 55 142 87
Potion of Undead Slaying
0.12% 1689 589 847 143% 5,808 5,959 982 19 6 12
Strong Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying
0.11% 1404 359 834 232% 7,091 21,383 0 11 9 0
Potion of Krait Slaying
1370 347 818 235% 4,734 8,133 0 0 250 0
Strong Potion of Krait Slaying
0.12% 1143 159 813 511% 2,607 18,099 0 3 500 0
Fine Black Lion Dye Canister—Red
0.04% 3243 1947 810 41.6% 18,946 6,323 2 20 31 184
Dragon Bash Prize Coffer
1.21% 5064 3515 789 22.5% 15,863 9,350 1,774 714 102 186
Superior Rune of the Zephyrite
1.49% 3778 2448 763 31.2% 14,907 5,780 362 265 417 224

25 Items | 121965 | 61884 | 41786 | 67.5%